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小君 17 2020


Posted by TC Energy


Our Technical Centre team recognized as ‘Collaborative Trendsetters

We are thrilled to have been nominated for a Global Energy Award in the ‘Collaborative Trendsetter类别,用于我们在可信剖面腐蚀评估模型(简称“P方”)上的工作. 这个行业颠覆性模型已经被广泛审查,并得到全球行业专家的认可,作为对现有模型的重大改进. It has been presented to regulators, 国际行业组织和标准委员会,受到世界各地运营商的欢迎.

Check out our award submission video: 


Collaborative approach

Collaboration is one of our core values. Being nominated for an award, 认可我们的合作,推动行业发展,同时使我们的资产更安全,更可持续, is a great honour. 我为这个团队感到无比自豪——这个创新的解决方案涉及对我们系统中最主要威胁的关键元素的战略改进.”

Shahani Kariyawasam,
Director of Risk and Engineering 策略

Making an impact

当涉及到管道完整性决策时,预测模型是其核心. These models help us answer important questions like, when and where should we conduct an 完整性 dig on one of our pipelines?

Preventative maintenance activities are critical to keeping our assets safe. 这项工作通常需要动员一个团队到现场进行完整性挖掘, 揭示可能存在腐蚀特征的管道部分,并检查这些特征以收集数据.

While this work is critically important, it can be costly and has environmental impacts, 特别是如果挖掘显示不需要额外的维护. 但, 如果有一种方法可以更准确地预测管道的状况,而不必进行这么多的挖掘,那该怎么办? And, that’s where the P Square Model comes in.

The model provides a more accurate representation of corrosion features in pipelines; allowing operators to make better decisions for preventative maintenance, 完整性 digs and other pipeline 完整性 activities.

“Improving safety is about doing the right work, not more work,沙哈尼说。.


Leading the way for our industry

P方模型的开发涉及一个巨大的协作行业审查和验证过程, 最终在2019年获得了管道研究委员会国际行业专家的认可. 当前的行业模型于1989年发布,并通过参考纳入全球联邦法规.


TC能源在开发和动员行业变革研究和技术方面有着悠久而成功的历史. 我们每年发表数十篇技术研究论文,我们的工作已被世界各地的运营商和监管机构采用.
